

TDL024 : ตัวหน่วงเวลา ดีเลย์ทามเมอร์ ตัวตั้งเวลา เครื่องตั้งเวลา DC 12V 2CH Delay Relay Cycle Timer Switch Module 1-9999s for Motor LED Smart Home

280 บาท
มีสินค้าอยู่ 18
ตัวหน่วงเวลา ดีเลย์ทามเมอร์ ตัวตั้งเวลา เครื่องตั้งเวลา DC 12V 2CH Delay Relay Cycle Timer Switch Module 1-9999s for Motor LED Smart Home 

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Typical applications 1 Motor reversing control circuit,Power supply is DC 12V ,Wiring diagram below. "LOAD" may be DC 1-110V OR 85-265V AC/DC Motor 2 Live wire and Netural wire control circuit,Power supply is DC 12V ,Wiring diagram below. "LOAD" may be AC 85-265V equipment
Product Name:  DC 12V 2CH Delay Relay Cycle Timer Switch Module 1-9999s for Motor LED Smart Home
Package inlcuded:
  • PCS DC 12V 2 channel  delay relay module
  • DC 12V 2 channels 0-9999 seconds multi-function delay relay board
  • 9 kinds of functions can be switched
  • Products can set the delay time and Function.After setting up, power-up setting value is previous setting delay time and Function as we set last time  (power-down memory function);
  • Size: 75mm × 35mm x 20mm
  • Weight : 35.5g
  • Relay maximum load capacity: DC 1-110V/6A; AC 85-250V/5A
User Manua:
  • Noun resolved:
  • COM : Common terminal
  • NO: Normal open
  • NC: Normally Close
  • Relay close: COM connect NO,COM disconnect NC
  • Relay open : COM disconnect NO,COM connect NC
Function mode :
F1 After power on. Relay 1 close,relay 2 open, delay time is T1. Then relay 1 open,relay 2 is close. Delay time is T2.Relay 1 close, relay 2 open, delay time is T1.Such repeated cycles of action...(for Motor reversing)
F2 After power on.Relay 1 close, relay 2 close, delay time is T1. Then relay 1 open, relay 2 is open. Delay time is T2 . Relay 1 close , relay 2 close, delay time is T1. Such repeated cycles of action...
F3 After power on . Relay 1 close , delay time is T1. Then relay 1 open , Delay time is T2 . Relay 1 close,delay time is T1. Such repeated cycles of action... ,Relay 2 never work . F4 After power on . Relay 2 open , delay time is T1. Then relay 2 close, Delay time is T2 . Relay 2 close , delay time is T1. Such repeated cycles of action... ,Relay 1 never work . F5 After power on . Relay1 and relay 2 close, delay time is T1.Relay1 and relay 2 open (control Live wire and netural wire) F6 After power on . Relay 1 close , delay time is T1. Then relay 1 open,Relay 2 never work . F7 After power on . Relay 2 no action, delay time is T1. Then relay 2 close, Relay 1 never work . F8 After power on. Relay 1 and Relay 2 both close, delay time is T1. Then relay 1 open,Delay time is T2, relay 2 open. F9 After power on . Relay 1 and Relay 2 both open , delay time is T1. Then relay 1 close, Delay time is T2, relay 2 close.
Function Mode Switch:
  •  Keep pressing K1, press K2 to switch Function mode
  • F5 F6 F7 mode has only 1 delay time counter (T1), the other mode has two delay time counters (T1 T2); Keep pressing K1 ,press K3, switch T1 T2 counter .
Adjustment delay time :
  • Press K2, switching 4 bits of delay time counter(0000~9999S),the selected bit flash , press K3 to adjusted counter . Repeat to switch the rest bits .
  • After switching all bits ,then press K2 exit adjustable delay mode; or press K1, exit adjustable delay mode; or wait 10 seconds exit adjustment mode
Display way :
  • Keep pressing the K3 for 5 seconds , the digital display Turn off. Keep pressing K3 5 second more (or re-power), the digital display Turn on .
  • F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 mode, the delay counter is completed, digital display Turn off, enter a low-power mode, press K1, exit the low-power mode
  รับประกันสินค้า 1 เดือน


Information on technical characteristics, the delivery set, the country of manufacture and the appearance of the goods is for reference only and is based on the latest information available at the time of publication.